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Il Mulino di Amleto was founded in 2009 by young actors graduated at the National Drama School of Torino (Scuola del Teatro Stabile di Torino). Today, it is a theatre group dedicated to theatre research, seeking a meaningful and popular way of representing both classic and contemporary plays, with a strong focus on actors’ and director’s work. Ever since the early performances, the company has won several funding competitions by Sistema Teatro Torino, working within the network Fondazione Piemonte Live, until the establishment of important collaborations with Teatro Stabile di Torino and the local banking foundations.

‹‹Dealing with the classics as if they were contemporary texts and with contemporary texts as if they were classical texts›› since 2009, Il Mulino di Amleto (Turin, IT) directed now by Barbara Mazzi  and Marco Lorenzi (theatre director) has been following this double path playing its shows all over Italy and abroad. Gl’Innamorati (The lovers)” by Carlo Goldoni, co-produced with Teatro Stabile di Torino in 2014, totalled more than 80 representations in Piedmont, Tuscany, Sardinia, Emilia-Romagna, Lombardy, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, as well as China and Switzerland. Since 2014, the show was seen by more than 13000 people. After this, the collaboration with Teatro Stabile di Torino has led to the production of the school-aimed show “Cenerentola (Cinderella)” and of Georges Feydeau’s L’albergo del libero scambio (Free Exchange Hotel)”, rewritten by Davide Carnevali (2015), and of “Romeo and Juliet” (2018). Also in 2015, the group joined the Festival delle Colline Torinesi for the first time, with the show “Mahagonny. A lighthearted post-capitalistic tragedy”, based on Bertolt Brecht’s dramaturgy. The show was produced thanks to the support of Compagnia di San Paolo foundation.
In 2016, the company independently produced its first youth theatre show “Giardinetti”, joining the Festival GIOCATEATRO in Turin. Il Misantropo (The Misanthrope, or the Cantankerous Lover)” by Molière was born in 2017 in collaboration with La Corte Ospitale and won the audience award called  “Theatrical Mass” of Campo Teatrale Theatre in Milan.  In 2017 the company co-produced with TPE Teatro Piemonte Europa  “Ruy Blas. Quattro quadri sull’identità e sul coraggio by V. Hugo and was one of the fifteen finalist in the Premio Scenario (Scenario Award)”  with “Senza Famiglia. Family Less” first studio written by  Magdalena Barile, an italian contemporary playwriter. In 2018 Platonov. Un modo come un altro per dire che la felicità è altrove, rewriting Chekhov’s first work, is produced by Elsinor Centro di Produzione Teatrale, TPE Teatro Piemonte Europa and Festival delle Colline Torinesi, with the support of La Corte Ospitale. Platonov achieved many recognitions: Best Show of the Year according to “Krapp’s Last Post” second place in “Rete Critica 2019 Award” and it is inside the top10 shows of 2019, according to Birdmen Magazine and Best Shows 2019 by MilanoTeatriIn 2019, Senza Famiglia is produced by ACTI Teatri Indipendenti, with the support of Campo Teatrale,  the Centro di Residenza della Toscana (Armunia CastiglioncelloCapoTrave/Kilowatt) and the support of Residenza IDRA (project CURA 2018 Award).  In autumn 2019, the Teatro Stabile del Friuli Venezia Giulia in collaboration with Il Mulino di Amleto produced “Valzer per un mentalista”, a special project that crosses between theatre and mentalist performance. The contemporary play Kollaps written by Philipp Lohle is directed by Marco Lorenzi in 2020 during the Pandemia period. This play, written in 2015 by the author, is really prophetic, and the company plays it again in 2022 in Piemonte and in Parma. Festen is the very last show directed by Marco Lorenzi and played by the company in 2021, 2022 and still on tour until March 2023. It is the first italian version of Festen, the movie by Thomas Vinterberg, and it is an important, emotional and shocking show, which has great succeful of pubblic and critics. This production is Fondazione TPE-Teatro Astra, Elsinor Centro di Produzione Teatrale, Solares Fondazione delle Arti Parma, Teatro Stabile Friuli Venezia Giulia.

READ HERE Marco Lorenzi’s Bio (theatre director)

READ HERE Mulino di Amleto’s short english cv

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