by Carlo Goldoni
“I was glad I wasn’t in love. Lovers often become nervous, dangerous. They lose the sense of reality. They lose their sense of humor. They become irritable, psychotic, boring. They even kill people. ” Charles Bukowski

director Marco Lorenzi 
on stage Fabio Bisogni, Roberta Calia, Andrea Fazzari / Marco Lorenzi, Yuri D’Agostino, Barbara Mazzi, Raffaele Musella (current cast); in 2014 with Nello Mascia, Lorenzo Bartoli, Fabio Bisogni, Barbara Mazzi, Maddalena Monti, Raffaele Musella.
set designer Gaia Moltedo
light design Monica Olivieri and Giorgio Tedesco
original music Davide Arneodo (Marlene Kuntz)
scenic movements Daniela Paci
assistant director Alba Maria Porto
distribution Valentina Pollani
organization Annalisa Greco 
coproduction Foundation of the Teatro Stabile di Torino / Il Mulino di Amleto in collaboration with Marenco Theater of Ceva,  Support to Production Award 2012 by City of Turin and System Theater Turin and Province.

Short press review
“Fresh, intelligent and faithful staging of the Goldonian comedy” Hystrio n.2 2014, Laura Bevione

“They enchant vitality and art and fantasy and expressive, respectful and at the same time bold research, with which Il Mulino di Amleto has dressed up Gli innamorati / The Lovers by Carlo Goldoni.” Maura Sesia, Sistema Teatro Torino

“Marco Lorenzi signs a show that has the great merit of being empathetic for the public” Roberto Canavesi,

“A show of great freshness, a very good cast and a Goldoni interpreted with great respect and, at the same time, in an absolutely modern and enjoyable way. Goldoni has never been more modern. A company to remember and follow, the Mill of Hamlet/Il Mulino di Amleto. ” Nicoletta Cavanna,

“… I saw a Goldoni naked and raw, that is perfect. Alone, dressed up with energy: that of the young, good actors of the group […] The chiaroscuro of a society on the path to sunset is well present in this happy show: the direction of Marco Lorenzi. ”  Nicola Fano,

“It’s a marvel of show” Giuseppe Distefano,

Trailer Gl’innamorati-The Lovers 2016


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