

2016 SIAE Sillumina Award – Victor Hugo lives and struggles with us and Ruy Blas, our creation, to which we are very attached, is the proof!

RUY BLAS. Four pictures on identity and courage.
from Ruy Blas by Victor Hugo

Director, translation and overwriting Marco Lorenzi
on stage Yuri D’Agostino, Francesco Gargiulo, Barbara Mazzi, Anna Montalenti, Alba Maria Porto, Angelo Tronca
visual concept Eleonora Diana
ph Alessandro Salvatore and Manuela Giusto
distribution Valentina Pollani
organization Annalisa Greco
a project promoted by Tedacà
from an idea of ​​Il Mulino di Amleto in collaboration with Kataplixi Teatro
with the support of the Alliance Française of Turin and of the Multidisciplinary Residence of Transitive Art by Stalker Theater / Officine Caos
winner of SIAE – Sillumina – Private copy for young people, for culture 2016

from 28 January 2019 to 3 February 2019 San Pietro in Vincoli, Turin – from 25 to 28 October 2018 Teatro Fontana, Milan – 10, 11 and 12 November 2017, Castello di Rivoli, Museum of Contemporary Art (great event for the inauguration of the bellARTE season in collaboration with Tedacà) – 28 September 2017, Stalker Theater, Turin – 16 September 2017, Alliance Francaise, Turin – 10 September 2017, Collina Nigiotto / Yoga Sangha, Montafia d’Asti (first study).

Trailer Ruy Blas


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